With the discontinuation of Internet Explorer, many users are unsure how to run Prof1t V1 without it. The below documentation outlines how to run Internet Explorer within Microsoft Edge - Microsoft's new internet browser. 

When a PC is upgraded to Windows 11 or after 15 June 2022, the web browser will continuously prompt the user to download Silverlight which is already installed on the PC.

Prof1t on Windows 11

When you select the option 'Click now to install', an error will occur as the file no longer exist on the webpage due to updates done by Microsoft. Click on the alternative link provided to download and install if Silverlight was never installed on your PC https://download.cnet.com/Microsoft-Silverlight-64-bit/3001-2378_4-75884713.html

Prof1t on Windows 11

Follow the settings in order to access Prof1t on Windows 11 without having to install Silverlight again.

Right click on the Prof1t icon on the webpage and select the option 'Reload tab in IE mode'

Prof1t on Windows 11

Once the Prof1t landing page is fully loaded, right click on the webiste address bar to activate the setting that enables a redirect to Internet Explorer everytime a user needs to access Prof1t.

Prof1t on Windows 11

Click on 'Done'. Every time a user wants access to Prof1t the webpage will be loaded in IE with no Silverlight issues coming up.